Friday, August 6, 2010


Wow! I really enjoyed this story. Having read both The Giver and Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, Messenger brought both gripping tales together in a very satisfying way. This novel explores many qualities of humanity. The author really makes you ask the tough questions. What do we really want and how far are we willing to go to acquire these things? Are somethings worth the price we pay for them? Can there be a perfect world? This is definitely worth the read, especially if you've read the other two titles by Ms. Lowry.
-Mrs. M :)
recommended by Elana

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The White Giraffe

I finally picked up this book and finished it very quickly. My first thought was "Geeze, another orphan story!" Aren't there any books that have kids with living parents or must they die in order for the hero/heroine to come into his/her own? That said, the super natural story told in this novel was very engaging. What I liked best about it were the attention to details about South Africa. It was obvious the author had made visits because her descriptions really brought the setting to life in my mind as I read. As for the magic Martine (the orphaned child) seems to possess and the trial she overcomes, it was alluring and I would certainly recommend it to anyone who has a passion for animals.
-Mrs. M :)
recommended by Gracie, Michael & Mary Kate