Friday, June 25, 2010

The Sea of Monsters

I read The Lightning Thief 2 years ago, so picking up the sequel this summer was a little confusing, since I didn't remember all the characters and how everything ended up. Fortunately author Rick Riordan gave enough information, without going overboard to remind me as I went. I sort of enjoyed the "a-ha" as I remembered things. What I really liked about this story was the trip through mythology. Retracing some of perils of Jason the Argonaut's journey was so fun. As they approached the different entanglements, I found myself thinking to what I knew of mythology and making predictions. What a fun way to bring Greek Mythology back into mainstream culture! I'll have to finish the series now!
-Mrs. M :)
recommended by Tommy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Drowned Maiden's Hair

So were the old ladies who adopted Maud weirdly pleasant or just plain dastardly? I was drawn right into this story of an small-for-her-age uppity orphan who finds herself adopted by 3 elderly sisters who whisk her off to a fancy home complete with luxuries. However she must remain hidden. No one outside the sisters must know she is there. Then Maud discovers she's in league with phony mediums who are trying to con grieving people out of their money. Maud is so desperate to be loved herself, that she finds she's willing to do just about anything to stay with them. The setting of early 1900s east coast, when seances and ouija boards were all the rage, made a nice setting for a girl who has everything to lose and must choose whether or not to lose it.
-Mrs. M :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


Imagine having a special power . . . what would you want it to do? In this story, Mibs turns the magical age of 13, when children in her family realize their "gift". Sadly it isn't the day she had long imagined, nor is the talent that shows itself close to what she'd wished for. Finding herself with the least likely company, she races to find her way and her purpose. I really enjoyed the way this story brought the characters together by revealing little bits about each one. And the touch of super natural was just right.
-Mrs. M :)
recommended by Brianne

The 39 Clues

Finally finished this book. I began it last summer and just couldn't find enough time to get absorbed in it. This summer I picked up where I left off and it was a lot of fun! And it put a whole new spin on "dysfunctional family"! I like that you learn about someone famous along the way. Too bad every time the kids figured something out, someone else was right there to overhear them. You'd think that after it happened twice, they'd learn to not talk out loud without looking over a shoulder!
-Mrs. M :)
recommended by Mary Kate